thermosiphon solar hot water system


ENVIROSUN Thermosiphon Solar Water Heater

10 Year Warranty – Tank
7 Year Warranty – Collector

* TS300 tank only in NSW & QLD

Envirosun® TS thermosiphon solar hot water systems

Envirosun® TS Plus solar water heaters are one of the highest performing and awarded systems in Australia

The Envirosun® TS Plus 300 litre, 2-panel thermosiphon solar hot water heater is a superior made hot water unit, with the roof mounted cylinder is manufactured in Holland from a very high grade 444 Stainless Steel for a longer life expectancy, the bare stainless steel storage tank is imported and assembled in Victoria and comes with two high solar absorption solar collector panels.

These solar panels are available in two different sizes; the 2HS panel is 2m² and the 25HS panel is 2.5m² in size, giving you a solar collection area of 4m² and a whopping 5m² respectively, 20% larger than most other brands for solar hot water systems on the market. This makes the Envirosun® TS Plus suitable for nearly every area in Australia. Envirosun also has a range of solar panels for far north Queenlsand, Northern Territory and other areas closer to the equator where solar adsorption rates are extreme.

Furthermore, the Envirosun® TS Plus solar hot water system is approximately half the weight of other mild steel enamel-lined rooftop solar hot water systems.

Queensland New South Wales Victoria Western Australia South Australia Northern Territory ACT Tasmainia

Envirosun® TS Plus solar hot water systems come with a 10-year* warranty on the tank and solar panels

Envirosun®’s Thermosiphon System (TS Plus) is one of the most advanced solar hot water systems available in today’s market, offering a extremely high efficiency rate and a cost effective solution for most domestic homes. The hot water storage cylinder and the solar collector panels are roof-mounted together as one seamless combined unit. Water is heated in the flat plate solar collector, and natural convection of hot water rising moves the water through the system into an insulated storage tank located above the solar panels on the right hand side as cooler water from the tank falls from the left into the lowest part of the solar panels, minimising any energy required. This design has been in roof mounted solar water heaters since the development of solar water heating and outperforms other types of systems and offers a superior level of efficient, economical water heating. The clever design and engineering of the Envirosun® Thermosiphon System utilises the strongest materials and state-of-the-art tank protection valves and systems to ensure a long operating life in all environments, from the freezing temperatures to extreme heat. The latest cutting edge technology and the cumulative advancements of Envirosun’s 25 years industry experience combine to offer the ultimate in durability, reliability and affordability.

Envirosun® is an Australian owned company that is operated with true family values and integrity, with the highest level of quality control that makes the Envirosun® TS Plus thermosiphon stainless steel solar hot water heater choice a smart one, not only financially, but environmentally and for a sustainable future Australia.

Contact us for more details on how we can supply you with quality affordable solar hot water systems.

Envirosun TS Plus solar hot water system
Envirosun THX Plus solar hot water system
  • Works very well. Efficient enough to work in winter Way more productive/efficient than my previous Solarhart. My electricity consumption is down consistently throughout the year.
    David (Sydney)
  • Excellent product and great installation Hot water even on long rainy days, only needed to use the booster once since installation.
    Danny W (Peel)
  • Great hot water! Very happy with the installation and the resulting hot water.
    Joanne S
  • Great system, great installers & great price/service Absolutely fantastic process to replace our 20 year old solar hot water system. I am one very happy customer.
    Trevor Tollis (Queensland)
  • Bills reduced by half New house built with Envirosun solar hot water system and have had no dramas. Great system and my bills are half.
  • It's the goods The TS300 is performing extra well and I had to use the electric booster only once, after 3 days of no sun. Very happy to date, and a seamless operation from my point of view.
    Graeme (Queensland)

Below are technical details about Envirosun® TS Plus Thermosiphon solar hot water heaters…

The storage tank

Envirosun pioneered and mastered the use of type 444 ferritic stainless steel in the construction of our TS Plus solar hot water range.

444 Stainless Steel European Made

Compared with traditional austenitic stainless steel (such as Type 316L and 304L) ferritic stainless steels offer major performance advantages. In particular, Type 444 out-lasts Type 316L when it comes to resisting localized corrosion or pitting attack at elevated water temperatures.

Generally, Type 444 is a highly durable and trouble-free material that offers significant live cycle cost advantages. Stainless steels derive their corrosion resistant properties through the inclusion of stainless steel. However the key to the enhanced performance of this Type 444 is the addition of molybdenum and chromium as further alloying elements (traditional austenitic grades incorporate nickel).

During the final stage of the factory guarantee period you should arrange for an end-of-warranty service to be carried out. These quality European made 444 stainless steel cylinders have the final assembly here in Australia.

The tank insulation

Keeping the heat on the inside of a hot water system storage tank is the major aspect of saving energy and operating costs, and polyurethane insulation systems are the best way of doing this. That's why Envirosun® use this material on all our solar hot water systems.

Quality polyurethane Airtight

Polyurethane forms through a chemical reaction between two liquids, which are then injected into the confined space surrounding the hot water storage tank and its outer casing. Upon exposure to air, the mixture expands up to 10 times its original liquid volume, filling even the smallest crevices. As it dries, it solidifies into a closed-cell structure that is rigid and impermeable. In contrast to fiberglass insulation, which allows air to pass through, polyurethane creates an airtight seal. This insulation functions on three levels: the gases trapped in its cells resist conductive heat loss, its airtightness prevents convective heat loss from warm air flowing to cooler surroundings, and it avoids condensation heat loss that occurs when warm air meets cold air.

All Envirosun® storage tanks feature solar hot water cylinders encased in a polyurethane foam insulation system. This polyurethane mixture is pressure-injected into the space between the cylinder and the external sheet metal casing.

The combination of metal and foam contributes to structural rigidity and underlies its excellent heat retention properties. Improved heat retention results in more prolonged hot water availability, leading to cost savings in both money and energy consumption.

The solar panels

Spectrally selective absorbers
Low-iron solar glass

The absorber plates in our system are designed for efficient solar energy absorption while minimising heat radiation back into the environment.

This is achieved through a meticulous two-stage electroplating process. Initially, they receive a coating of bright nickel, followed by a re-treatment involving an overcoat of black chrome. This precise process creates a 'spectrally-selective surface' that boosts solar radiation absorption and reduces thermal energy emission. The principle behind this mechanism is straightforward: in shorter wavelengths, the absorber acts like a black surface, absorbing a significant portion of solar energy. In longer wavelengths, it behaves more like a silver surface, emitting minimal heat.

Envirosun®'s black chrome absorber plates feature the most efficient solar selective coating available, providing a performance increase of about 20% compared to non-selective treatments.

Additionally, our solar hot water panels are securely enclosed in high-quality coated aluminum frames, guarding against potential damage from corrosive elements on your roof.

Our collectors are highly durable and equipped with exceptionally transparent solar glass.

This specialised glass serves a dual purpose, maximizing solar energy capture by the collector plates while shielding them from impact damage.

To explain further, understanding how a solar collector uses the 'greenhouse-effect' principle to heat water is essential. When the sun's rays penetrate the glass cover, primarily composed of short wavelength radiation, most pass through while a fraction is reflected or absorbed. The transmitted solar radiation reaching the black copper absorber plate heats both the plate and the circulating water in the pipework. As the absorber plate heats up, it emits thermal energy (long wavelength radiation), which, if not contained, would dissipate, cooling the plate. The glass cover acts as a reflector, redirecting this emitted radiation back to the absorber, effectively trapping the heat. Glass with higher iron content absorbs more solar radiation, allowing less to reach the absorber plates. On the other hand, low-iron glass can transmit around 91% of the incident solar radiation.

Envirosun®'s solar glass is crafted with minimal iron impurities, ensuring efficient transmission of solar radiation. Additionally, our solar glass undergoes a heat-treatment process for tempering, enhancing both its durability and performance.

Boosters for bad weather

Running out of hot water is not a problem with electric and gas boosters available ensuring hot water is always.

Electric booster Gas booster

Envirosun® solar hot water systems are equipped with either electric boosters that can also have Natural or LPG gas boosters added to ensure that there’s plenty of hot water available during the worst weather or when the demand for hot water is high. Electric elements are fitted inside our storage tanks and the gas instantaneous heaters can be installed in-line from the outlet of our systems.

Both options are designed to maximise the amount of solar energy that can be collected and utilise the auxiliary in a ‘back-up’ or ‘booster’ mode only.

Electric boosters

Electric boosted systems are integrated arrangements that comprise a heating element immersed in the storage tank water, controlled by a thermostat and connected to a switched power-supply. Both the element and thermostat are positioned at the midpoint of the tank and the power-supply switch is conveniently located. With the power-supply on, if the temperature at the centre of the tank falls below 60°C, the thermostat ‘closes’ and the heating element operates. The element continues to operate until the mid-point of the tank rises to above 60°C. The location of the element and thermostat in an Envirosun system are designed to only allow the booster to heat only the water in the top half of the tank and to leave the bottom portion available for useful solar gain. Our solar hot water systems have the ability to heat water without direct sunlight to approximately twice the ambient air temperature; for instance if it is an overcast day and the outside temperature is 22°C for most of the day, your solar should be able to get the water to around 44°C.

Gas boosters

Gas boosted systems involve a continuous-flow gas water heater that is mounted separate from the storage tank. The outlet from the solar hot water system is piped as the inlet to the gas heater. If the water reaches the gas heater at a temperature below 60°C, the gas supply is opened, the spark-ignition system fires, and the gas burner operates. If the inlet water temperature is above 60°C, the gas heater does not operate.

Envirosun® systems use this pre-heater configuration to achieve higher solar contribution and significantly lower greenhouse gas emissions.

How does an Envirosun® TS Plus solar hot water system work?

The solar hot water storage tank and panels (also known as collectors) are connected together and located on the roof structure, facing in a northerly direction. Hot water has a natural fall and rise cycle; hot water rises and cold water falls to the lowest point. As the sun heats the water in the collector, it rises and then goes into a storage tank.

Hot water rises naturally in the tank – this process, called thermosiphoning, is why this type of solar water heater are known as thermosiphon solar hot water systems — our Envirosun® TS Plus model.

The colder water at the bottom of the storage tank then travels into the lowest point of the solar collector panel and as it starts to heat up it rises in the solar panels to the highest point, then through a pipe to the storage tank. (shown in diagram)

The solar hot water panels are a sealed cased box with toughened glass face, a manifold of copper pipes and black powder coated copper absorption plates or fins to attract the heat and with the underside being fully insulated, traps the heat inside to give maximum solar gain and heat transfer to the water

This process is a continuous cycle and can save the average household over 80% of their hot water energy usage and related greenhouse gas emissions, not to mention the money that is saved with this type of solar hot water systems.

Up to 90% energy savings!

Break even time is less than 3 years Electricity saving in excess of $8000 Reduce your carbon footprint and greenhouse gas emissions

Check out some of the comparisons here on different hot water heater brands and the Australian Government tested and allocated STC rating.

The STC is a rated saving that a hot water system has been granted after testing and approved by the Australian Clean Energy Regulator. The number of STC’s that are issued refers to one megawatt hour (1 MWh) of avoided energy consumption over the hot water system’s deemed life expectancy.

S = R – T where S is STC count, R is Reference conventional system’s energy consumption (MWh over ten years), and T is Tested system’s estimated energy consumption (MWh over ten years).

Here is a graph showing savings and ratings of STC assigned to Thermosiphon solar hot water systems and the approximate percentage of power saving compared to a conventional electric water heater in Zone 3.

Envirosun TS Plus TS300/50 receives 40 STC
Envirosun TS Plus saves ~40,000kWh 90%
Rinnai Prestige 300L receives 39 STC
Rinnai Prestige saves ~39,000kWh 87%
Sun Rain 300L 2P receives 35 STC
Sun Rain FPTS300-2P saves ~35,000kWh 79%
Solahart 302J solar hot water system receives 28 STC
Solahart 302J saves ~28,000kWh 65%
Rheem 300L Hiline receives 28 STC
Rheem 300L Hiline saves ~28,000kWh 65%

Data valid at time of publishing. Values reduce by 10% at the start of each year. Consult the REC Registry for current data.
Australian Small Technology Certificates rebate zones
10 Year Warranty - Tank
7 Year Warranty - Collector

* TS300 tank only in NSW & QLD


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